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What is X ray collimator

Many people do not understand what the X ray collimator is. Today, I will take you to understand.X ray collimator, as the name suggests, is the role of contraction beam. The actual role is to first turn on the lights on the beam light and adjust the knobs of the X and Y of the beam in the beam, so that the light of the beam light to illuminate the box of your machine, so that the size of the wild field is just as the size of the film and the size of the film. Consistent, then you can shoot. Because the machine will definitely adjust the X -ray wild and the beyond the wild to the very small deviation before leaving the factory, this beyond plays a role in simulating the invisible X -ray wild.


X ray collimator is an auxiliary component for the X -ray inspection equipment. The main purpose is to be used for positioning when the position is swinged. Simulation of the radiation area of X -ray can reduce the radiation dose of patients and enhance the quality of the image. X ray collimator can be divided into three categories according to the operation: manual, electric, fully automatic.

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Author:X Ray Collimator

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TEL:+86 18953679166


Company:Weifang Newheek Electronic Tech Co., Ltd.

ADD:E Building of Future Star Scientific Innovation Industrial Zone of No.957 Wolong East Street, Yulong Community, Xincheng Sub-District Office, Weifang Hi-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China

(+86) 18953679166