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How to make x ray collimator?

How do I make x ray collimator myself? First of all, to understand the production principle of beam collimation, to tell you the simplest beam collimation.
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Adjustment of electronic collimationBeam collimation simulates X ray positioning

With the development of X ray machines, beam collimation is also evolving from simple to complex, with functions ranging from single to multi-purpose.
I will introduce you to the simple beam collimation today.
The simple beam collimation is available in both occlusion and occlusion. The occlusion type is a lead plate with a certain size or a circular hole in the X-tube window. The opening of the lead plate is centered on the X-ray center. When the projection is performed, an irradiation field suitable for the size of the hole can be obtained at a certain distance. Generally, an X ray machine is equipped with a plurality of occlusion panels of different apertures, and the size of the illumination field of the corresponding distance is indicated above for selection.

The shape of the beam collimation is a conical metal tube, and some are lined with thin lead to increase the protective effect. When it is projected, it mainly relies on the barrier absorption of the X-ray by the wall to limit the irradiation field. Therefore, the size of the illumination field can be determined by the length and diameter of the occlusion tube, and the illumination field is generally circular.

If you want to know more about Newheek x ray collimator, please contact our customer service.


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