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Introduction of x ray colliamtor features

Introduction of x ray colliamtor features
The x ray colliamtor for 150KV bulbs is a large beam limiter. The x ray colliamtor has larger volumetric weight and higher performance than other x ray colliamtor. The beam limiter for 125KV bulbs has medium and large x ray colliamtor. The volume and weight of the device are small and the performance is high.
Newheek’s 150KV bulb limiter is NK202. The NK202 has a WLH mm of 185x198x145 and a weight (without cable) of 6.8kg. The 125KV bulb limiter is NK102 and NK103, and the NK102 has dimensions ( The WLH)mm is 223x185x87 and the weight (without cable) is 5.5kg. The NK103 has a WLH mm of 158x138x83 and a weight (without cable) of 2.6kg.
The three beam limiters are manual x ray colliamtor, the lead blades of the x ray colliamtor can be completely closed, and the lenses in the beam limiter are neat and flat, which fully meets the standards of high quality x ray colliamtor.
Introduction of x ray colliamtor features


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